ALT.NET is not my first front-row seat to an alternative movement formed around craft and passion. I participated in the RAT Conferences (Regional Alternative Theater) where artists built community and common cause for their vision of a Big Cheap Theater.

It’s not that there’s not enough good work out there; there’s not enough out there out there. Experimental theaters, geographically and financially isolated from one another, struggle separately when they could be struggling together — not in less pain, perhaps, but in a common and revivifying pain.

Strong progressive companies start from scratch again and again, only to disband in frustration on the same scratch plain. We need to share the work — the labor and the ways of laboring. We need to distribute the consciences. We want an engine, outside the marketplace, built low enough to the ground and out of such measly materials that repairs are worked in a wink – Erik Ehn

The RAT Conferences occurred over a period of almost ten years expanding internationally. Over that period, relationships were built, work shared, and generations bridged creating lasting benefit to companies and artists.

Hothouse Logo SmallAt our theater, RAT inspired a program to invite writers from across the country to work with our company over two weeks to generate new work. Over five years, we fostered new collaborations between writers, directors and performers and produced twenty experimental works many of which went on to further lives.

All this to say, thank you to the organizers and instigators behind ALT.NET. Building community among innovative, passionate people towards action is a great contribution. Technologies bubble, processes adapt, but common cause feeds the human potential to create.

Affect vs. Effect

I have to admit to some confusion over the verb forms of affect and effect. The free dictionary has this helpful note:

Affect and effect have no senses in common. As a verb affect is most commonly used in the sense of “to influence” (how smoking affects health). Effect means “to bring about or execute”: layoffs designed to effect savings. Thus the sentence These measures may affect savings could imply that the measures may reduce savings that have already been realized, whereas These measures may effect savings implies that the measures will cause new savings to come about.

So an agilist should effect positive change not affect it and affect impediments not effect them.

Managing and Leading

John Maeda on leading and managing and the need to do both.

The manager sets up the win with perfection for her team; the leader executes the win with passion.

The word “perfection” conveys discipline but the agile practitioner in me bridles at it. As John Maeda says, “a manager never manages alone.” Community defies perfection.

I do resolve to do better. Do by committing myself to action employing the most appropriate knowledge and tools at hand. Better by using the hard lessons of success and failure to make my actions more effective the next time.

Coffee Cards

Coffee Cards by Kjudy
Elbow grazing marble reflecting
glass-cased dessert museum.
Amid stacked ceramic clatter
and shrilling snorts of steam,
she waits.

Hand holds wallet.
Wallet enfolds ten times
ten-fold consummation
of this daily act —
in punch-fringed coffee cards.

Each card redeemed, a detail.
The whole retained, a grace.

Some dark, bitter drafts
need no wait.
Her modest remedy,
this host of free lattes.